MATLAB: Do I receive the error “Information needed to identify your computer is missing or invalid” when activating for the license


When activating my network license, I receive the following error message:
*Information needed to identify your computer is missing or invalid.

Best Answer

This error will be returned if the Host ID that you have entered is not valid. To see instructions on how to get a Host ID for your computer, click on "What is a Host ID" after clicking on the "Activate" button in the license center.
You will receive this error if you are using the Disk Serial Number of your C: drive as the Host ID if you are activating for your network license. When activating a network license, you may not use a Disk Serial Number as the Host ID. In order to activate a network license, you must use the MAC address of your network card or a static IP address.
You will also receive this error message is if you are activating this license on a Solaris server but choose Windows as the operating system during the activation process in the License Center.
You will also receive this error message, should you try to activate your machine using the hostID listed in the 'Installation and Activation Next Steps' screen of the Installer, when multiple MAC addresses are listed.