MATLAB: Do I receive License Manager Error -9 when installing RoadRunner

When I try to launch RoadRunner, I get the following error:
License checkout failed. Invalid host. License Manager Error -9

Best Answer

The best way to resolve a License Manager Error -9 is by reactivating RoadRunner through the License Center.
Before you can activate MATLAB on a computer that is not connected to the internet, you must obtain your Host ID and login name.
To obtain your Host ID, follow the instructions in this article:
What is a Host ID? How do I find my Host ID in order to activate my license?
To obtain your Login Name, follow the instructions in this article:
How do I find my computer username in order to activate my license?
After obtaining your Host ID and/or Login Name:
  1. Go to the License Center.
  2. Select the RoadRunner license number under "My Software." If you do not see the license number, click "View additional Licenses or Trials" in the bottom right hand corner.
  3. Click the "Install and Activate" tab
  4. Click "Activate to Retrieve License File" or "Activate a Computer"
  5. Enter the release of RoadRunner you are activating, the operating system, the host ID, the Computer Login Name, and the Activation Label
  6. Download the license file
  7. Start RoadRunner. It will report the same License Manager Error -9. Select OK.
  8. At the Welcome to RoadRunner screen, select Next
  9. On the RoadRunner Activation screen, browse to the new license file. Select Finish.
  10. Start RoadRunner.