MATLAB: Read multiple .CSV files with csvread using a for loop

csvreadmultiple files

Hello all, I'm have some trouble developing an algorithm to read multiple files at once and store them in different matrices. Heres a little, but sufficient, description of the problem:
Say I have n files named i_p.CSV, where n is a large enough number to do this procedure manually and i is a number that goes from 1 to n. The file i_p.CSV is a csv file with three columns, so what I would end up have on MATLAB is a matrix called data_i, which would be a (m x 3) matrix, where m is also a very large number.
Any tips on how to proceed?

Best Answer

d=dir('*_p.clv'); % dir struct of all pertinent .csv files
n=length(d); % how many there were
data=cell(1,n); % preallocate a cell array to hold results
for i=1:n
data(i)=csvread(d(i).name); % read each file
Now, iff every one of the n .csv files has the same number of rows you can convert to an array...
If they aren't all the same length you'll have to augment the shorter to the length of the longest or truncate the longer to that of the shortest.