MATLAB: Multiple .csv file importing (different row numbers of each file) from a folder

csvmatrix manipulation

I have 100+ .csv files in a folder. Each .csv file has 18 columns and various row numbers. I want to import data from all .csv files from that folder to create a 3-d matrix where the third dimension will be the number of .csv files. Can someone please help me in this regard?
Also, some .csv file has few blank cells. I want to delete those rows and shift bottom rows up while processing those .csv files to create 3-d matrix.

Best Answer

files = dir('*.csv') ; % You are in the folder of csv files
N = length(files) ; % total number of files
iwant = cell(N,1) ; % cell because csv files have different rows
% loop for each file
for i = 1:N
iwant{i} = csvread(files(i).name) ;