MATLAB: How to import file names that change in a loop

csv filesimportzeros

I need to import Trial01, Trial02 and so on then Trial10, Triall11 but how do I define the 0 in the first 9 trails from 1 to 9 then not from 10 to 54?
This is my code to import the data:
%% Import data
numfiles = 54; % number of excel files mydata=cell(numfiles,1); % defining size of mydata d=dir('Trial*.csv');
for i=7:length(mydata) % loop to import mutliple excel files
mydata{i} = xlsread(d(i).name); % import files into mydata

disp([d(i).name 'read failed'])
myfilename = sprintf('Trial%i.csv', i); % define file name
mydata{i} = xlsread(myfilename); % import files into mydata

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