MATLAB: Problems defining a polynomial in the z domain

inverse z transformpolynomialz-domain

Hello, I am trying to get a inverse Z transform of the following equation:
G(z) = (0.6321*z^-1)/((1-z^-1)*(1-0.3679*z^-1))
using the code
syms z k
F = (0.6321*z^-1)/((1-z^-1)*(1-0.3679*z^-1))
iztrans(F, z, k)
However, geting the following error:
Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.
What is wrong?

Best Answer

try the following
syms z n
F(z) = (0.6321*z^-1)/((1-z^-1)*(1-0.3679*z^-1))
F(z) = 6321/(10000*z*(1/z - 1)*(3679/(10000*z) - 1))
f(n) = 1 - (3679/10000)^n
check that
ztrans(1 - (3679/10000)^n)
z/(z - 1) - z/(z - 3679/10000)
is the same as your initial function in z domain.
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