MATLAB: Preallocating a structure with fieldnames in the form of a string from another structure

function inputstringstruct

say i have a nested structure called tire
tire =
struct with fields:
lat: [1×1 struct]
cmb: [1×1 struct]
struct with fields:
p8: [1×1 struct]
p10: [1×1 struct]
p12: [1×1 struct]
p14: [1×1 struct]
p12i: [1×1 struct]
I had previously manually entered:
fy_offsets =
struct with fields:
p8: []
p10: []
p12: []
p14: []
p12i: []
In order to create an empty struct to fill with data from later processing but want it automated and self forming. I used the following code:
ps=fieldnames(; %which pressures do we have in fields
p=ps'; %designated pressures in cell vector for new struct fieldnames
p_str=strjoin(ps,"',[],'") %adds ,[], between every entry in string
str_begin=("'") %places ' at the leading position
str_end=("',[]") %places ,[] at the end of the string
p_input=strcat(str_begin,p_str,str_end) %concatnates the strings into one string with one entry "'p8',[],'p10',[],'p12',[],'p14',[],'p12i',[]"
fy_offsets=struct(p_input) %tries to create struct with empty fields for filling
Outputs are as follows:
ps =
5×1 cell array
{'p8' }
{'p10' }
{'p12' }
{'p14' }
p =
1×5 cell array
{'p8'} {'p10'} {'p12'} {'p14'} {'p12i'}
p_input =
Error using struct
Conversion to struct from string is not possible.
Is there a way to get the struct function to accept this input?

Best Answer

Don't use strings and don't think about eval. This could be done with colon expansion and a cell array to produce a comma separated list for the call to struct (exercise for reader or I can follow up later if your stuck) or with cell2struct: