MATLAB: Block parameter and values in simulink

block parameterssimulink

Hello everyone,
is it possible to get the block parameters and value using simulink api?
for example:
i want the parameter pair values of all the tabs here.

Best Answer

That function returns a struct with all of the dialog parameters for the current block. Or replace gcb with the name of whatever block you care about. The fields of that struct define the parameters of the block that you can interrogate. For a Gain block:
>> d=get_param(gcb,'DialogParameters')
d =
struct with fields:
Gain: [1×1 struct]
Multiplication: [1×1 struct]
ParamMin: [1×1 struct]
ParamMax: [1×1 struct]
ParamDataTypeStr: [1×1 struct]
OutMin: [1×1 struct]
OutMax: [1×1 struct]
OutDataTypeStr: [1×1 struct]
LockScale: [1×1 struct]
RndMeth: [1×1 struct]
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow: [1×1 struct]
SampleTime: [1×1 struct]
>> get_param(gcb,'OutMax')
ans =