MATLAB: Alternate to repmat to create cell array

cell arraysMATLAB

Currently I am using repmat to create a matrix of multiple struct
structElement = struct('a1','', 'a2', '', 'a3', '', 'a4', '');
s1 = repmat(structElement, [1,2]);
This creates a 1×2 struct
Is there a method which can create a cell array instead of matrix
CellArray =
[1x1 struct] [1x1 struct]

Best Answer

You can use deal to assign a variable to every element of a cell array:
structElement = struct('a1','', 'a2', '', 'a3', '', 'a4', '');
x = cell(1,2);
[x{:}] = deal(structElement)
x =
[1x1 struct] [1x1 struct]