MATLAB: Create an array of single struct

structElement = struct('a1','', 'a2', '', 'a3', '', 'a4', '');
s1 = repmat(structElement, [1,1]);
The above code gives a 1×1 struct
s2 = repmat(structElement, [2,1]);
The above code results in a 2×1 struct
If I do s2(1) it returns a struct
If I do s1(1) it returns a1.
How can I create s1, such that s1(1) will give me back a struct. Basically I want to create an array of single struct.

Best Answer

"If I do s1(1) it returns a1." No, it also returns a structure.
Both s1 and structElement are arrays of a single struct:
ans =
a1: ''
a2: ''
a3: ''
a4: ''
ans =
1 1
ans =
1 1
Everything in matlab is an array. Scalars (numbers, structs, objects, etc.) are stored as array of size 1x1