MATLAB: Position of map axes in figure

mappingMapping ToolboxMATLABposition;subplot

Where are the map axes? I need to their absolute position in a figure, equivalent to what is returned by get(gca,'Position') for ordinary, Cartesian axes. As shown in the example below, doing this for map axes (red) returns the default position of ordinary axes (black). Can anyone help me?
figure; hold on;
h_axm = axesm('eqdcylin','FLonLimit',[0 20],'FLatLimit',[0 20]); %Create axes
set(h_axm,'XColor',[1 0 0],'YColor',[1 0 0]); %Color map axes red
axespos = get(h_axm,'Position'); %Get position of axes
h_ax = axes('Position',axespos); %Create new axes at same position
set(h_ax,'Color','None'); %Turn off background color to show both axes

Best Answer

This function provides the "correct" position: