MATLAB: Plot axes on a different figure window


I have one plot in one figure and 5 plot buttons in other figure. The way the program works is that each time i push a plot button it would create a plot with 5 different axes. I got the program to work however I would have to use axes(handles.Axes1) and that did not work for me since the plot figure was always up and I was unable to select any other figures. The way I fixed that is by using
cah = get(hObject,'CurrentAxes');
to get the axes or the handle. But when I try to create the new axes it creates the new axes on the second figure or the button figure.
h_ax = axes('position',[xpos, cpos(2), cpos(3)*.01666, cpos(4)]);
Is there a way to have the axes created on the first figure(plots) instead of the second figure?
Thank you

Best Answer

h_ax = axes('parent',hObject,...
'position',[a b c d );