MATLAB: Panning and Zooming Two Overlapping Axes Without Using linkaxes()

panningtwo axeszooming

Title. I need to find a way to pan and zoom two axes which overlap each other while maintaining their aspect ratios. I'm essentially using the second axes in the top-right position as a ruler with a different unit of measurement. I have tried such solutions as linkprop, linkaxes; and even community solutions like addaxes, addaxis, and linkzoom. Unfortunately, these do not provide a solution to my problem. Code can be found in the attachment or copy-pasted from below. Many thanks.
%% create figure
h = figure;
%% create axes
% first axes
ax1 = axes('units','pixels',...
% reference axes
ax2 = axes('units','pixels',...
%% create test data
% starting data
meters = cumsum(rand(15,1));
seconds = cumsum(rand(15,1));
%% plotting
% plot data
% update reference axes limits
set(ax2, 'xlim', ax1.XLim*1000);
set(ax2, 'ylim', ax1.YLim/1000);
%% the problem
% need to find a way to pan and zoom both axes at the same time while
% maintaining their respective aspect ratios, linkaxes fails here since it
% links their limits, breaking zoom functionality
% linkaxes([ax1,ax2],'xy');