MATLAB: Plotting thickness data to a cylinder.

3d plotscolormapmeshsurface

First off, I am completely new to MATLAB and not really sure where to start.
I have large datasets (approximately 170,000 points) that I am trying to plot to a cylinder surface. It is Ultrasonic thickness readings taken about the circumference of a pipe.
I have X, Y, Z coordinates for every point and would like to display the thickness reading value as a colormap, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
*Edit….. I've attached a photo of the original excel data, rows represent circumferential position, columns length about the pipe axis and the color pallet represents remaining wall thickness (in this instance between 12mm-20mm)
Ideally I would like to be able to plot to be a representative image of the pipe itself as pictured (that was just cheated by applying an image of the excel data to a pipe section as a material in AutoCAD)

Best Answer

Use this
A = xlsread('test matlab.xlsx');
x = A(:,2);
y = A(:,3);
T = A(:,5:end);
z = 1:size(t,2); % 1 2 3 ... number of columns
[X,Z] = ndgrid(x,z); % 2d matrix

[Y,~] = ndgrid(y,z); % 2d matrix
axis vis3d
opengl software
caxis([15 23])