MATLAB: Please help me in plotting bar graph


y = [327 680 509 313 ; 456 565 442 369 ; 227 325 210 3597; 426 532 360 149; 540 848 755 864];
bar_handle = bar(y,'grouped');
%When i grouped 'y' it's going from 1 to 5, but i need to it's start from 2 to 6. or it's control manually.
and please help me reshaping the array too.
% y1(:,:,1) = [28, 38, 25, 32, 18];
% y1(:,:,2) = [38, 29, 21, 42, 19];
% y1(:,:,3) = [31, 27, 25, 22, 25];
% y1(:,:,4) = [18, 32, 25, 32, 26];
%y = [28, 38 31 18; 38, 29, 27,32;25, 21,25,25;18,19,25,26];
%Y = [y1(column1);Y1(column2)...]

Best Answer

bar_handle = bar(2:6,y,'grouped');