MATLAB: Parfor + large input database for a function inside the loop

MATLABparallelParallel Computing Toolboxparfor

I am using parfor which loops over a function. That function has two very large dictionaries which I want to copy inside the workers for speed.
Testp = parallel.pool.Constant(Test);
Test = 1;
Testp = parallel.pool.Constant(Test);
parfor ab = 1:2
GG(ab,:) = example(Testp);
function [out] = example(Const)
out = Cons.Value;
This doen't work on my Matlab which has parallel and access to 5 cores on local. This is the error:
Undefined variable "parallel" or class "parallel.pool.Constant".
Any help?
Thank you, Fary

Best Answer

That facility was introduced in R2015b. Either upgrade or else look in the File Exchange for Worker Object Wrapper