MATLAB: Using parallel.pool.constant with parfeval


I've got large constant topological matrixes, I want to work with in parallel. I'm trying to find out how parfeval work's with a parallel.pool.constant. It's mentioned that it works on
Here is my Test_Script.m:
Test = 1;
Testp = parallel.pool.Constant(Test)
for ab = 1:2
F(ab) = parfeval(@Test2,1);
parfor ab = 1:2
x(ab,:) = Testp.Value;
The function Test2.m ist only
function [out]=Test2()
out = Testp.Value
So the parfor-loop works, but the parfeval-loop says, that "Undefined variable "Testp" or class "Testp.Value"." Can you tell me, how it works?

Best Answer

You need to explicitly pass the instance of parallel.pool.Constant into your parfeval call - it doesn't work like a global variable - it works more like an ordinary variable, but with some behind-the-scenes intelligence to minimise data transfers. So, here's what you'd need to change:
% In your script:
F(ab) = parfeval(@Test2, 1, Testp);
% In Test2.m:
function [out] = Test2(inConst)
out = inConst.Value;