MATLAB: Unable to set NumThreads when creating a job

jobParallel Computing Toolbox

I seem to be unable to set NumThreads when creating a job:
>> sge = parcluster('sge');
>> class(sge)
>> sge.NumThreads
>> job = sge.createJob('NumThreads',4);
>> class(job)
>> job.NumThreads
I'm able to set the other job properties just fine by passing arguments to createJob(). For now, my workaround is to modify the parallel.cluster.Generic object before creating the job:
>> sge.NumThreads = 4;
>> job = sge.createJob();
>> job.NumThreads
Is this a bug? Or am I doing this wrong?
I am using the Parallel Computing Toolbox with MATLAB R2017a.

Best Answer

Thanks for reporting this - it does indeed look like a bug. I'll forward this report to the appropriate team here at MathWorks.
To expand a little on this - NumThreads is only intended to be configurable on a per-cluster basis rather than a per-job basis. So, in this case, probably the createJob call should reject your attempt to set NumThreads on the job.