MATLAB: Parallel.pool.Constant: An error occurred building a parallel.pool.Constant.

parallel computingParallel Computing Toolboxparallel.pool.constant

I am trying to run a script which is of the type below:
z = randn(512,512,100,ni*N);
C = parallel.pool.Constant(z);
parfor nn=1:N
a{nn} = function1( C.Value(:,:,:,(nn-1)*ni + 1:nn*ni) + d{nn}, lambda1 );
d{nn} = function2( d{nn} + C.Value(:,:,:,(nn-1)*ni + 1:nn*ni) );
temp{nn} = function3( a{nn} - d{nn}, lambda2 );
However I am getting the following error:
*Error using parallel.pool.Constant (line 177)
An error occurred building a parallel.pool.Constant.
Caused by:
No workers are available for FevalQueue execution.
A write error occurred while sending to worker 6.*
Could anybody help with why this is happening and what can I do to resolve it?
System Config:
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R)CPU E5-2687Wv4 @3.00GHz
RAM: 512GB
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Checked on MATLAB R2016a and R2016b
thanks, Bis

Best Answer

That error means that a worker crashed for some reason, I strongly suspect out-of-memory. Note that your z matrix is huge - 1400GB; also note that parallel.pool.Constant still requires a copy of z on each worker (the benefit of parallel.pool.Constant is not that it reduces overall memory usage, rather that it stops you having to transfer data multiple times).
I think it should be possible to slice z, rather than use a parallel.pool.Constant. If you reshape z, you should be able to pick whole slices using an expression something like
That way, each worker only receives the portion of z it requires. This will drastically reduce the memory usage required.