MATLAB: MDCE Causing Blue Screen of Death (Clock Watchdog Timeout)

batchbluecomputingdeathdistributedenvironmentMATLABMATLAB Parallel Servermdceparallelscreensimulinkwatchdog

We have a 24 core computer that has a MDCE license on it. Currently I have 23 workers set for the machine. I am able to successfuly submit complex simulink runs to the machine and retrieve the data when they finish. However, once I start submitting enough jobs where some are in the queue the machine crashes given a BSoD error of "Clock Watchdog Timeout". I am not entirely sure how many jobs causes the error. Once I had 24 jobs going and they all finished without a problem.

Best Answer

Solved. In the "admincenter" turn off automatic updates. No more "Clock Watchdog Timeout" blue screen of death errors.