MATLAB: MATLAB Legend Icon Colors

legend color object handles

This simplified example of my original problem also exhibits the same behavior. The legend is using the correct marker shapes, but not the correct color. It seems to use the color of the most recently created object.
EDIT: I am using MATLAB R2015b
P1 = scatter(4, 6);
hold on;
P2 = scatter(2, 9);
hold off;
set(P1, 'CData', [1 0 0]);
set(P2, 'CData', [0 0 1]);
set(P1, 'Marker', 's');
set(P2, 'Marker', '^');
legend('P1', 'P2');
xlim([0 10]);
ylim([0 10]);

Best Answer

That sounds like bug 1283854. If so, it's fixed in R2016a, and there is a patch on the bug report page.