MATLAB: Modify a plot in a for loop

for loopplot

I would like to know if it is possible to modifidy all the curve generated by this for loop. For example to add a distintive marker for each one of the curves.
omega = 0:0.01:3;
for zeta = [0 0.15 0.5 1 2]
mu = 1./(sqrt((1-omega.^2).^2+4*zeta^2*omega.^2));
p = plot(omega,mu);
hold on
p.Marker = '*';
p.MarkerIndices = 1:7:length(omega);
With this code, Matlab only apply the changes to the last curve plotted.

Best Answer

The idea is to collect all of the line object handles.
I've also restructured your code; see the inline comments for details.
omega = 0:0.01:3;
zeta = [0 0.15 0.5 1 2]; % Defined outside of the loop
p = gobjects(5,1); % pre-allocate, one for each zeta
hold on % move this out of the loop
for i = 1:numel(zeta) % Loop over integer values starting with 1
mu = 1./(sqrt((1-omega.^2).^2+4*zeta(i)^2*omega.^2)); % note zeta(i)
p(i) = plot(omega,mu); % store all handles
set(p, 'Marker', '*'); % set marker for all handles in p
set(p, 'MarkerIndices', 1:7:length(omega)); % set MarkerIndices for all p