MATLAB: Lenend keep only text


Hi all,
I want to put 3 text phrases in a legend wuth red, green, and blue colour respectively (example: 'one' (red), 'two' (green),'three' (blue))
I have seen a similar question here:
I tried to create the first phrase with red using the following commnads:
dummyh = line(nan, nan, 'Linestyle', 'none', 'Marker', 'none', 'Color', 'none');
However I cannot add the next 2
could you help me with that?

Best Answer

dummyh = line(nan, nan, 'Linestyle', 'none', 'Marker', 'none', 'Color', 'none');
dummyv = line(nan, nan, 'Linestyle', 'none', 'Marker', 'none', 'Color', 'none');
dummyz = line(nan, nan, 'Linestyle', 'none', 'Marker', 'none', 'Color', 'none');
legend([dummyh dummyv dummyz],{'\color{red}one','\color{green}two','\color{blue}three'})