MATLAB: MATLAB command to replace 0 in Excel


I have a 27 x 68 matrix written in excel using MATLAB. The cells in excel with value 0 needs to be replaced with a blank for a selected range of "C16:AC83".
Can you please suggest a command to do this.
I am using—– Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
so far i have found the command — Excel.Activesheet.Cells.Replace(65535,[ ],[ ],1);
What is the applicable syntax?

Best Answer

Hi Akshay,
You can use the readcell function to read a range of values and use the cellfun command to replace the zeros with blanks. You can then use the writecell function to update the excel sheet. For example:
T = readcell('myTable.xls','Range','C16:AC83');
C = cellfun(@(x)x(logical(x)),T,'uni',false);
Hope this helps!