MATLAB: How to use xlswrite and Excel = actxserver​(‘Excel.Ap​plication’​) together


I want to write many values in the Excel sheet with two different color based on the condition. So I am using for loop. with in the for loop xlswrite used for write the value in xls and Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application') used for color the particular cell based on the condition. But I am getting the error that ".xls is not writable.It may be locked by another process." could you help me to resolve the issue. help me to use xlswrite and Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application') together (or) how to write a value in the particular cell by Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application')
The code is below
for intration1=1:row
for intration2=1:column
% logic for Calculate the values

% logic for Calculate the values
if condition
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
Range= Excel.Range(range_ip);
Range.Interior.ColorIndex = 4;
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
Range= Excel.Range(range_ip);
Range.Interior.ColorIndex = 3;
Thanks in Advance,
Regards, Suresh.S

Best Answer

xlswrite automatically closes the ACTX session at the end of the call.
Try xlswrite1 from the FEX. This just leaves the connection open so that you can continue to invoke calls (as in your example).
You must close the connection when you are done (example code in the FEX submission). Best of luck.