MATLAB: Readcell does not import last columns when first columns are empty (2019a)

readcell last column

readcell('test.xls') does not import last n columns, when first n columns are empty.
i.e. instead of
{missing} {missing} {a} {b} {c} {d}
I will get
{missing} {missing} {a} {b}
When I know the number of columns I have I can use i.e.:
readcell('test.xls', 'Range', 'A:F') – in this case I have the last columns, but the leading empty columns are removed:
{a} {b} {c} {d}
Is there a way to get all the columns (including empty one)?
readcell('test.xls', 'Range', '') – helps when one do not know the number of columns, but do not include the missing leading rows.

Best Answer

If you know the number of columns, then you can use below commands to get all columns including the empty ones.
opts = spreadsheetImportOptions('NumVariables',6,'DataRange', 'A:F');
M = readcell('test.xlsx', opts);