MATLAB: Making an active revolute joint passive during simulation

revolute jointSimscapeSimscape Multibody

I am trying to model a window washer robot and control its motion interactively. In my model, some revolute joints are active and controlled by motion input, while some others are not actuated and act just as passive joints.
I need a joint that can be turned on or off manually during simulation. I mean, sometimes It has to be a passive joint (but engaged), and sometimes it needs to be actuated. I wish to be able to switch between these two modes during simulation, as many times as I would like.
In real world, we can turn a servomotor on or off during operation, making it a controllable active joint or a passive one with its own internal mechanics. How should I simulate it in simscape multibody?

Best Answer

Hello Amir
I think the joint will be set to Torque (provided by input) and motion (automatically calculated).
Then, when the servomotor is active, input torque is non-zero and regulated. When off, apply a factor zero - the joint will act passively likely dragged by the inertial movement in the shaft.
You need to use a Rotational Interface as u find in the documentation example to connect motor and joint.
Good luck Juan
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