MATLAB: Is is possible to perform inverse dynamics to obtain a desired end effector trajectory in SimMechanics 8.2 (R2013b)

dynamicsinversekinematicsSimscape Multibody

I am using SimMechanics and I wish to use inverse dynamics to determine the actuator torques needed for a desired motion of the end effector.

Best Answer

One can use inverse dynamics in SimMechanics 8.2 (R2013b) to determine the actuator torques needed for an end effector to achieve a desired motion.
Please refer to the example model attached "inverse_dynamics.slx" that illustrates the use of motion actuation to determine the actuator torques needed for a robot to achieve a given welding task. The system consists of a 7-DOF robot carrying a welding torch. The tip of the torch needs to trace the joints being welded. The motion of the welding torch is specified and the actuator torques required at the various joints of the robot is computed.
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