MATLAB: Make first column of table bold

formaltableMATLABMATLAB Report Generatorreportreport generatortable

I have a table created with the class
and I want to make the text in the first column bold but I can't find the property. In the documentation there is no property about it.
Can anyone give me a way to do what I want?
I am trying with
grps(1) = TableColSpecGroup;
specs(1) = TableColSpec;
specs(1).Style = {fontweight('Bold')}; % this creates an error
grps(1).ColSpecs = specs;
tableFAIL.ColSpecGroups = grps;
But this doesn't work because I still can't find the property for putting the text Bold
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Hi Jack,
You can use the ColSpecGroups property of the FormalTable to format one or more columns in the table. Use the Bold format to make the content bold.
import mlreportgen.dom.*
d = Document('mydoc','docx');
% Define column specs to format one or more table columns
grps(1) = TableColSpecGroup;
specs(1) = TableColSpec;
specs(1).Style = {Bold()};
grps(1).ColSpecs = specs;
% Create the table and assign the column specs
table = FormalTable(magic(5));
table.ColSpecGroups = grps;
% Close and view the report