MATLAB: How to set text to left or right side in tables generated in report generator

MATLAB Report Generatorreport generatortabletable configuration

When I create a report I need to set text to left side to get a nice look. How do I do that?
Some part of my code:
T = cell2table(data);
T.Properties.VariableNames{1} = 'Status';
T.Properties.VariableNames{2} = 'Hours';
T.Properties.VariableNames{3} = 'Percent';
table = BaseTable(T)
add(R, table);

Best Answer

Hi Per,
As you want content of some columns to be aligned to the left and content of some columns to be aligned to the right, you can construct a DOM MATLABTable and use its ColSpecGroups property to specify the column formatting.
Below is a sample script:
import mlreportgen.dom.*
% Create sample data
data = {'Initializing', '0.0', '0.2'; 'Cleared', '12.2', '71.1'};
T = cell2table(data);
T.Properties.VariableNames{1} = 'Status';
T.Properties.VariableNames{2} = 'Hours';
T.Properties.VariableNames{3} = 'Percent';
% Create a PDF report
R = Report('myrpt', 'pdf');
% Create a DOM MATLABTable
domTable = MATLABTable(T);
domTable.Width = '100%';
% Specify the col specs to left-align the content of the first column and
% right-align the content of the second and third columns
grps(1) = TableColSpecGroup;
specs(1) = TableColSpec;
specs(1).Style = {HAlign('left')};
specs(2) = TableColSpec;
specs(2).Style = {HAlign('right')};
specs(3) = TableColSpec;
specs(3).Style = {HAlign('right')};
grps(1).ColSpecs = specs;
domTable.ColSpecGroups = grps;
% Create a BaseTable reporter from the DOM MATLABTable and add it to the report
baseTable = BaseTable(domTable);
add(R, baseTable);
% Close and view the report