MATLAB: Loop through files of remote server


I'm using matlab to perform simulations on a cluster, where the jobs are submitted from a local machine through matlab to the cluster.
A sample submission script might look like this:
%%Get handle to the job scheduler
sched = findResource();
%%Create a job
job = createJob(sched, 'FileDependencies', {'Analysis.m'});
%%Create the tasks
for tidx = 1:length(filelist)
tasks(tidx) = createTask(job,@Analysis, 1, {tidx});
%%Submit the job
I'm now trying to obtain and loop through some files on the cluster and run a script on the files, say, Analysis.m
How would I do this to get a file list on the cluster and not on the local machine from which the job-scheduling, and then pass each file to the Analysis.m one at a time?

Best Answer

Perhaps a PARFOR loop on the cluster would be simplest. Something like this:
function x = doStuff
% list the files on the cluster
d = dir( '/path/on/cluster/*.dat' );
% loop over the files - this will spread the work
% among the workers
parfor ii = 1:numel( d )
x(ii) = someFcn( d(ii).name );
Then, you need to submit 'doStuff' as a matlabpool job to the cluster, something like this:
job = createMatlabpoolJob( sched, 'MaximumNumberOfWorkers', 4 );
createTask( job, @doStuff, 1, ... );
Or, in this situation, you can even use the BATCH command to submit the job
job = batch( @doStuff, 1, {}, 'Matlabpool', 4 );