MATLAB: Issue with Matlab audio

audiodigital signal processingsignal processing

I am sending a tone to only one side of the headphones I am using the following code for it:
t= 0:1/16000:5;
chan1 = cos(2*pi*500*t)'; %500 Hz tone
chan2 = zeros(size(chan1)); % silence
x = [chan1 chan2]; % stereo signal
sound(x, 16000)
However, I am still getting a tone from both sides of the ear plug. Why is that?
Is it my sound card that cannot do it? I do not understand.
Thanks for helping.

Best Answer

Either the sound card drivers are set to mono-output, or the connector of your earplugs do not fit exactly such that both channel have contact. I do not know any mono sound cards, such that I'd exclude this as a problem.
Therefore I'd start with using other speakers and check the sound setup in your operating system. But I'm convinced that this problem is not related to Matlab.