MATLAB: Frequency and Sampling Frequency

audiofrequencyMATLABsignal processing

Which is the frequency of a tone heard when played with twice the original sampling frequency?
For example, we have this tone:
>> fs=24000; % Sampling frequency
>> t=0:1/fs:1;
>> x=cos(2*pi*1000*t); % frequency = 1000 Hz
>> sound(x, fs);
There we see that the frequency is 1000 Hz, but if we play the tone with twice its sampling frequency:
>> sound(x, 2*fs);
Which is the frequency of the tone then?

Best Answer

This is more a philosophical question than a mathematical one.
The frequency of the original signal remains ‘fs’ regardless, The frequency of the generated tone is whatever is passed to the sound function, here either ‘fs’ or ‘2*fs’.
At least that is the way I interpret it.