MATLAB: Is there a limitation to using the RESHAPE command in a for loop

for loopMATLABreshape

I have the following block of code:
for BlockId = 1 : NumBlocks
if isempty(bufferSplit{BlockId})
% Parse out the BER State Time
exp = 'State Time:\s+([\d:\.]+).\s+\(([\d.]+)\).';
tokens = regexp(bufferSplit{BlockId}, exp, 'tokens');
BER_State_Data = reshape(str2double([tokens{:}]), 2, []).';
When I try to execute this, MATLAB generates the following error message:
Error using reshape Product of known dimensions, 2, not divisible into total number of elements, 1.
Error in AC_Measurement (line 37) BER_State_Data = reshape(str2double([tokens{:}]), 2, []).';
So I replaced the last line with the following;
BER_State_Data = reshape(str2double([tokens{:}]), 1, []).';
The error goes away, but now I’m placing the state time data in a single column versus the required 2.
In reviewing the documentation pertaining to the RESHAPE command I don’t know if I’m misinterpreting the use of the command or if my loop is messed up. But I do know that if I run the code outside of a loop (against a single block of data, I get the data in 2 columns.
Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

dbstop if error
Then run your code. This will stop with the debugger when the error occurs and will allow you to see the inputs to reshape(). Apparently the sizes are not consistent.