MATLAB: How Do I Breakout and Store 2 Time Values In The Same String


I’ve got a text file that contains hundreds of state times such as these:
State Time: 12:00:00.123 (43200.123)
State Time: 12:00:01.456 (43200.456)
State Time: 12:00:02.789 (43200.789)
I’m using the following commands to read the text file and define the pattern required for the REGEXP function:
buffer = fileread(OAMfilename);
exp = 'State Time:\s+([\d\:\.+\s+(\d.+)]+)';
ST = regexp(buffer, exp,'tokens');
This results in the following '<1×2 cell>':
'12:00:00.123 (43200.123)' '12:00:01.000 (43201.456)'
My goal is to have the 24-hour time and UTC times stored in separate cells (with no parentheses) for future processing/plotting purposes. Is this possible using my current approach?

Best Answer

In order to capture different parts of an expression, put those parts in parentheses (note in the example below the difference between |\(|, which matches a parentheses, and plain |(|, which begins a group and token.
str = {...
'State Time: 12:00:00.123 (43200.123)'
'State Time: 12:00:01.456 (43200.456)'
'State Time: 12:00:02.789 (43200.789)'};
str = sprintf('%s\n', str{:});
tok = regexp(str, 'State Time:\s+(\d+:\d+:[\d\.]+)\s+\(([\d\.]+)\)', 'tokens');
tok = cat(1, tok{:});