MATLAB: Does MATLAB require a 2nd REGEXP to match data values obtained from a previous REGEXP


I've got a set of commands that look like this:
str = 'Part ID: 1 or Part ID: 2 or Part ID: 5 or Part ID: 10';
exp = '*?Part ID:\s+(\d+)';
tokens = regexp(str, exp, 'tokens');
Part_data = reshape(str2double([tokens{:}]), 1, []).'
The objective of the code is to match only Part ID values 2 and 5. MATLAB is easily extracting all 4 part IDs with the commands above. However, I can't get MATLAB to read ONLY values 2 and 5.
I've been seearching Mathworks and using the MATLAB documentation in hopes of answering the following question: Does MATLAB require a 2nd REGEXP to match data values obtained from a previous REGEXP? Or am I making this harder than it is?

Best Answer

exp = 'Part ID:\s+([25])\W';
The expression will match as many times as needed