MATLAB: Is the MATLAB Student Version supported for 64-bit operating systems


I have a computer with a 64-bit operating system. I would like to know if 64-bit MATLAB Student Version is available for my platform.

Best Answer

Starting with R2014a, MATLAB student version is available as a 64-bit application and will work on a 64-bit Operating System.
Starting with release R2011a, MATLAB is only available for 64-bit on Mac OS X and as of release R2013a, MATLAB is only available for 64-bit on Linux.
Prior to R2013a, MATLAB student version was available only as 32-bit; while not supported, it is possible to install the 32-bit version of MATLAB on a 64-bit Linux.  In order to install 32-bit MATLAB on 64-bit Linux prior to release R2013a, you will need to tell the installer to install the 32-bit version of MATLAB. To do so you will give the installer the -glnx86 flag. Once MATLAB is installed, you will also need to start MATLAB with this flag. Follow the instructions below to install 32-bit MATLAB on Linux
1) Open a terminal window.
2) In the terminal window, change directories to the location of the installation files. Ex:
cd '/media/MATHWORKS_R2008b/'
3) Launch the installer in text mode with the -glnx86 flag:
./ -glnx86 -t
4) Once the installer is finished, you will need to activate manually from the website as the activation client will not launch on a 64-bit Linux machine. To activate manually, see the Related Solution, 1-3YZBZ6.
5) Once MATLAB is installed and activated, you will need to run MATLAB using the same -glnx86 flag that you used to install. For example:
$MATLAB/bin/matlab -glnx86
(where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation folder)
NOTE: Some users have problems loading the JRE when running in this configuration. Creating a symlink in $MATLAB/sys/java/jre named 'glnxa64' pointing to 'glnx86' should resolve this issue. You can do this with the following command:
ln -s $MATLAB/sys/java/jre/glnx86 $MATLAB/sys/java/jre/glnxa64
(where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation folder)