MATLAB: Does MATLAB display the error ‘ cannot open shared object file’ when launching on the Linux system


I am launching MATLAB on Linux, and it fails to start when launched normally. When I launch it with the -nodesktop or -nojvm flag, MATLAB launches, but the following error is displayed:
Warning: Unable to load Java Runtime Environment: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Best Answer

This error may occur if you are launching MATLAB from $MATLAB/bin/glnxa64/matlab (or, for 32 bit versions, $MATLAB/bin/glnx86/matlab). -Where $MATLAB represents the MATLAB installation directory.
Instead, try launching MATLAB from $MATLAB/bin/matlab.
If you are already launching from $MATLAB/bin/matlab and you see this error, you may have installed a 32 bit version of MATLAB on a 64 bit Linux operating system. If that is the case, try launching MATLAB with the -glnx86 flag:
$MATLAB/bin/matlab -glnxa86
NOTE: R2012a was the last release that was available in 32-bit on Linux. If you are troubleshooting R2012b or newer, the -glnx86 section of this article does not apply.