MATLAB: Do I see the error: “java: not found” when installing a 32-Bit version on the 64-Bit Linux machine


I am installing a 32-Bit installation on a 64-Bit Ubuntu computer. When I run the installer:
./install -glnx86
The output returned is:
eval: 1: /tmp/mathworks_2211/java/jre/glnx86/jre/bin/java: not found

Best Answer

This error suggestes that your distribution of Linux does not contain the 32-Bit binaries required to run the 32-Bit installer. If you're on an Ubuntu 64-bit Linux machine you can work around this issue by installing the package "ia32-libs" from your Linux distribution. Run the following command from Terminal:
apt-get install ia32-libs
Note that you need to be root to complete these steps.
After the binaries complete installing you should be able to run the MATLAB installer.
Please refer to the documentation for your Linux distribution for more information on installing these libraries.
For more information on installing the 32-Bit version of MATLAB on your 64-Bit Linux machine, see the related solution: "How do I install 32-bit MATLAB on my 64-bit Linux machine?"