MATLAB: Cross-compiling 32-bit C application on machine with 64-bit MATLAB installed

32-bit64-bitengineMATLABmexshared library

I have a VS 2010 64-bit C console application that links to the libeng and libmex libraries on a machine with the 64-bit flavour of MATLAB 2011b installed. I now want to cross-compile a 32-bit version of my application on this same 64-bit machine. However, it seems that the 32-bit versions of the libeng and libmex are not installed or my machine, only the 64-bit versions. Is this by design? Or did I miss an installation option when installing Matlab? How should I proceed to get my hands on the 32-bit version of these libs?

Best Answer

You need to install the 32-bit version of MATLAB also. See How can I install 32-bit MATLAB on my 64-bit Windows machine?