MATLAB: Is the desktop interface slower in MATLAB 6.5 (R13) for UNIX than in previous versions


I am running MATLAB remotely on a UNIX machine with my display set to a local machine. When I type in the command window or try to highlight characters, there is a considerable lag with the interaction. I do not see this lag with MATLAB 6.1 (R12.1) or previous versions.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
The problem is caused by a conflict between MATLAB 6.5 (R13) and Java 1.3.1_02.
To resolve the problem when using a Sunblade, create an environment variable named "NO_J2D_DGA", and set the value to "true".
The bug is specific to Java 1.3 and is due to the non availability of the "" library. The problem was resolved in Java 1.4. For more information you can access Sun's developer website and reference Bug Id 4737083. You will need a password to log in:
Alternatively, note the following possible workarounds:
1) Launching MATLAB with the -nodesktop flag (matlab -nodesktop) seems to resolve the problem.
NOTE: This will leave you without the desktop interface, but you will still be able to use the Java features of MATLAB.
2) After trying workaround (1), you can try executing "desktop" at the MATLAB prompt. This will launch the MATLAB desktop interface, and seems to be more responsive than launching MATLAB normally. If you would like to use this option, then you may benefit from putting the "desktop" command in your "startup.m" file on your MATLAB path.
3) Although the following option has not been tested by MathWorks, some customers have found that using MATLAB 6.5 (R13) with Java 1.1.8 resolves the problem. Because this was not fully tested, this may cause alternative problems that we are currently not aware of. See the Related Solution at the bottom of the page for more information on how to do this.
4) As a last resort, and if you would like to avoid the Java features altogether, you can launch MATLAB with the -nojvm flag (matlab -nojvm). If you do this, you will lose several features of MATLAB. For more information, see the Related Solution at the bottom of the page.