MATLAB: Is it possible to add a new font onto MATLAB


Is it possible to add a new font onto MATLAB?

Best Answer

It can be realized. After you get font files, where they usually have .ttf (or .TTF) extension, put those files into:
Control Panel > Font folder, then reboot MATLAB.
You can select newly added font from:
(MATLAB) Menu bar > Preferences > Fonts
Below is a brief experience when I installed "Ricty Diminished" into Windows 10. Also refer to the attachments.
1) Go to below site and press "Clone or download", then press "Downloaded ZIP".
2) You will see following font files and put all them into Control Panel > Font folder .
  • RictyDiminished-Bold.ttf
  • RictyDiminished-BoldOblique.ttf
  • RictyDiminishedDiscord-Bold.ttf
  • RictyDiminishedDiscord-BoldOblique.ttf
  • RictyDiminishedDiscord-Oblique.ttf
  • RictyDiminishedDiscord-Regular.ttf
  • RictyDiminished-Oblique.ttf
  • RictyDiminished-Regular.ttf
3) Select Ricty Diminished on MATLAB preference.