MATLAB: Inserting Data into SQL database table without database toolbox

adodbdatabaseDatabase Toolboxinsertodbcsequelsql

I am trying to insert data into an SQL database, but do not have the database toolbox. I approached the issue similar to the example given in I am receiving the following error message:
*No method 'Execute' with matching signature found for class 'COM.ADODB_Connection'.
Error in SQL_Practice (line 38)
SynergyInsert = conn.Execute(sqlinsert);*
I am running R2015a and my code is shown below:
sqlquery1 = ['SELECT * FROM cct_pcm_test_results '];
conn = actxserver('ADODB.Connection');
conn.Open('driver={ABC Server}; server=123.123.123; port=123; dns=123_ABCDE');
conn.Execute('use [123_ABCDE]');
SynergyTable1 = conn.Execute(sqlquery1).GetRows();
Inserted = {acell, TC, frz, melt, frzminpass, frzmaxpass, meltminpass, meltmaxpass,...
npfrz, npmelt, frzslope, meltslope};
sqlinsert = ['INSERT INTO cct_pcm_test_results (test_no, tc_no, frz_temp, melt_temp, frz_min_pass, frz_max_pass, melt_min_pass, melt_max_pass, frz_data_point_cnt, melt_data_point_cnt, frz_slope, melt_slope)' ...
'VALUES ' (Inserted)];
SynergyInsert = conn.Execute(sqlinsert);

Best Answer

You have
Inserted = {acell, TC, frz, melt, frzminpass, frzmaxpass, meltminpass, meltmaxpass,...
npfrz, npmelt, frzslope, meltslope};
So Inserted is a cell array. Then:
sqlinsert = ['INSERT INTO cct_pcm_test_results (acell; TC; frz; melt; frzminpass; frzmaxpass; meltminpass; meltmaxpass; npfrz; npmelt; frzslope; meltslope)' ...
'VALUES ' (Inserted)];
which concatenates a char vector with a cell array (note that the () brackets around Inserted don't do anything) and creates a cell array with one more element. It does not insert the content of the cell array into the char vector. Indeed, as the error tells your there's no execute method that takes cell arrays as inputs.
You will have to use sprintf or the newer compose to build your SQL. Possibly, the simplest is to convert your cell array to string to let matlab do the type conversion automatically, then use compose and strjoin:
sqlvals = string(Inserted); %use default conversion from whatever is Inserted to string. May not always be right
sqlinsert = compose(['INSERT INTO cct_pcm_test_results (acell; TC; frz; melt; frzminpass; frzmaxpass; meltminpass; meltmaxpass; npfrz; npmelt; frzslope; meltslope), ...
' VALUES (%s)'], ...
strjoin(sqlval, ', '));
The above should work if the values are numeric but will fail if the values are text since it doesn't insert the '' around the values.
Also, I'm not sure you can separate the fields by ;. It's normally a ,.