MATLAB: Using find in a for loop error

errorfindforloopore non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscriptsusing find in a loop

I have a large matrix with values of "period" p – I am testing this part of my code where I find what row p belongs to in order to access the corresponding row later in my code. However for some reason this will only run three times (so until cct=3) before i get the error: Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts; error position1(cct,1)=find(p==pp)
p=AAA(1:end-1,1); %%%returns 10000x1 matrix of values 0 to 1 in 0.001 steps
for pp =0.1:0.1:0.5;
valuep=p(position2,1); %%%to check it is the correct value

Best Answer

You would need to give us AAA in a .mat file to be certain. Most likely, however, pp is not close enough to 0.6 (due to floating point error) to match a value in AAA. Use a tolerance: