MATLAB: How to enable foreign key for sqlite database

foreign keyssqlite

The sqlite database is connected via the database toolbox, using the the java JDBC driver (from Xerial , Version
According to the official Sqlite Website foreign keys can be switched on by using an sql query (PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;). But that does not affect anything. Example, the last exec query should not be accepted by sqlite, but is:
dbpath = 'c:\tmp\test.db';
if exist(dbpath,'file')==2
% connect to database
conn = database(dbpath,[],[],'org.sqlite.JDBC','jdbc:sqlite:');
curs = exec(conn,'PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON')
% create table
curs=exec(conn,'CREATE TABLE artist(artistid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, artistname TEXT)');
curs=exec(conn,'INSERT INTO artist (artistid,artistname) VALUES (1,''Dean Martin'')');
curs=exec(conn,'INSERT INTO artist (artistid,artistname) VALUES (2,''Frank Sinatra'')');
curs=exec(conn,'CREATE TABLE track(trackid INTEGER, trackname TEXT, trackartist INTEGER,FOREIGN KEY(trackartist) REFERENCES artist(artistid))');
curs=exec(conn,'INSERT INTO track (trackid,trackname,trackartist) VALUES (11,''Thats Amore'',1)');
curs=exec(conn,'INSERT INTO track (trackid,trackname,trackartist) VALUES (12,''Christmas Blues'',1)');
curs=exec(conn,'INSERT INTO track (trackid,trackname,trackartist) VALUES (13,''My Way'',2)');
curs=exec(conn,'INSERT INTO track VALUES (14,''Mr. Bojangles'',3)');
dat1=fetch(conn,'SELECT * FROM artist')
dat2=fetch(conn,'SELECT * FROM track')
% close connection
Other web-sites ( forum link ) say, that code like the following has to used. But how can that be implemented in Matlab?
public static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:sqlite:database.db";
public static final String DRIVER = "org.sqlite.JDBC";
public static Connection getConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException {
Connection connection = null;
try {
SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();
connection DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL,config.toProperties());
} catch (SQLException ex) {}
return connection;
Foreign keys are essential to database consistency and should be supported also by Matlab. Any help is highly appreciated.

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