MATLAB: Insert a blank space using datainsert


Hi all,
I am changing over from fastinsert to datainsert and I am having an issue inserting blank spaces to my SQL table.
Ex: a = {''};
Old code (works): fastinsert(conn,tableName,fieldNames,a);
New code (doesn't work): datainsert(conn,tableName,fieldNames,a);
datainsert treats the blank character as empty, and inserts a NULL value to the table. Is there a way to force it to intrepret this as a blank character instead?

Best Answer

I understand that you are trying to insert a black space into an SQL table using the "datainsert" function.
The "datainsert" function automatically casts the string '' which is of type MATLAB 'char' to NULL prior to the insertion. One workaround for this issue is to use the string representation in Java as shown in the following example:
Suppose I have a MYSQL table called "names" with three fields 'id', 'name' and 'subject'. I want to insert a record with the 'name' column's value to be '' (the empty string), I would do the following:
>> colnames = {'id','name' , 'subject'};
>> data = {13, java.lang.String(''),'asd'};
>> datainsert(conn,tablenames,colnames,data)
Hope I have answered your question.