MATLAB: How to insert date and time in database table using matlab database toolbox

databaseMATLABmatlab guiMySQL

is it possible to insert the current time in table using the code datestr(now);? I am getting this error
Error using database/fastinsert (line 86) Input data must be a cell array, matrix, or structure
Error in licenseplate>pushbutton23_Callback (line 615) fastinsert(conn,tableName,colnames2,txt);
in the command window.
here's the code:
conn = database('vlmsystem','admin','admin');
dbpath = 'C:\Users\Sony Vaio\Documents\Task\0.1 Systems\System 1 - edited\Appendix\vlogdbase.mdb';
tableName = 'vehicleLog';
colnames = {'plate_number','date_time','login_logout'};
colnames1 = {'plate_number'};
colnames2 = {'date_time'};
colnames3 = {'login_logout'};
txt = datestr(now);

Best Answer

Does it work if you put your result in a cell array?
txt = {datestr(now)};