MATLAB: Imfinfo error


I was just trying to collect some information from a tif stack file to know how many frames there are in this specific tif file named test. However there is some error I never encountered before and I can't find an answer online. so I post it here hope someone can answer it for me. Or can help me find another way to get the frame number information. When I was trying to open the same file with image processing toolbox it also encountered the same error. My image processing toolbox can open other jpg files.
Here's my test code and error.
>> t=imfinfo('test.tif')
??? Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file. What() is:invalid string position
Error in ==> imtifinfo at 57 raw_tags = tifftagsread ( filename );
Error in ==> imfinfo at 178 info = feval(, filename);

Best Answer

It's possible that this is the bug referenced by
Can you post your image somewhere for me to take a look at it?