MATLAB: Dicomread truecolor comes out pink and green R2015a trial

dicomdicomreadgreenimage processingImage Processing Toolboximshowpinktruecolor

When I read in a dicom file I get a 720x960x3 uint8 output as I would expect. However, if I do an imshow() on this output the resulting image comes out with a green background (which should be black) and pink text (which should be white). All the other colors are off as well.
My code is pretty simple:
X = dicomread('KX000008');
I've checked the headers and it is set to truecolor so I'm not sure what's going on. Opening the same dicom in other dicom viewer tools it comes out correct, black background and white text. Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, I think the only answer for this is a bug in Matlab dicomread for jpeg lossless transfer syntax 1.2.840.10008.
I used to decompress the same image and matlab reads the decompressed image as expected.