MATLAB: How to show Tiff stacks

imageimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hi everyone;
I'm trying to show a tiff stack '57 images as one file' but I faced this problem:
Warning: Can only display one frame from this multiframe file:
> In imuitools\private\getImageFromFile at 20
In imuitools\private\imageDisplayParseInputs at 74
In imshow at 198
In Prg at 4
how can I display a tiff stack image? and after I applied some processes how can I collect them again 'refile them'

Best Answer

You can read each tiff image in one at a time using imread (note I'm making some you do indeed have a multipage tiff):
tiff_info = imfinfo('2-A^11815^52071.tif'); % return tiff structure, one element per image
tiff_stack = imread('2-A^11815^52071.tif', 1) ; % read in first image
%concatenate each successive tiff to tiff_stack
for ii = 2 : size(tiff_info, 1)
temp_tiff = imread('2-A^11815^52071.tif', ii);
tiff_stack = cat(3 , tiff_stack, temp_tiff);
And you can then use the 'append' switch to write each tiff as a new image in a multi-page tiff:
%write a Tiff file, appending each image as a new page
for ii = 1 : size(tiff_stack, 3)
imwrite(tiff_stack(:,:,ii) , 'new_stack.tif' , 'WriteMode' , 'append') ;